It was a cheerful morning. 姐姐 is especially excited today because you are going to the infant bay next to her childcare!

We arrived at the centre when the other "new" baby (Justine) has already arrived.
Papa left you at the mattress where you get to see the dangling toys, while mama go get your things organised. like 姐姐's time, Mrs Lim was the person who orientate me. She is so good and experienced.
By the time I was done, you were lying there quite happy with the toy. Soon the 3rd "new baby" arrived too. Her name is Enya. 3 of you were the new kids.
Mrs Lim showed me the cot that you will be sleeping in. Papa came back from 姐姐's side, assured me that you are going to be fine.
Yes, mama is feeling anxious about leaving you in the centre. I thought I will be cool about this, but I was so wrong.
I missed you.
In the evening, mama was feeling very excited to go pick you 2 up! I was so excited that I could not spot you sitting in the baby sit next to madam Wee! I was hurriedly gathering your belongings and went to see you.
=) you were very happy to see me. How I've missed you Hanah!!

Yes! We missed dearly in the day! *sob* *sob*