Friday, 9 April 2010

How you have grown!

Mama has not been updating the things you can do.

You are babbling so much no! Your baby talk sounds like an foreign language, not baby babbling =). Your varying facial expression, tone, pace and pitch allow you to "carry out a conversation" without losing my attention! Mama enjoys every bit of it. I seriously wish I understand your language. That will be such fun. Most of the time you look/sound like you are casually telling me something..

" was SO Exciting you know, mama..."
"... I guess it was ok..."

"wow..good job 姐姐 ..there...over there.."

You can say quite a few things now, or rather your vocabulary are:

Papa/Papoa : Papa
Popo : Carry me!
Mama : Mama (actually, I thiknk you hardly say and mean this!)
Mamo/Mama?! : Food/ snack, etc
Jeh-jeh : Sarah or Kyl-linn 姐姐
Bear :Bear
WOwor : Dos, Cats, small furry animals
Wragh! : Tiger
Apple : Apple
Amoh : Elmo
Oh No! : oh no!
Oh-oh! : Oh-oh!?- especially when something drops
yes-yes : Yes - coupling with nods, especially to food
Dege-degeh x 4 : Switch on the tele please...
sh.. : Wear shoes please

You are walking very fast and love walking. In fact you have been doing this for quite sometime now. Especially in the church. Your steps are still not very stable, but you don't fall own much. You are very agile.

When you walk on a wet and slippery surface like the bathroom, you are so careful! Or sometimes you will get onto all fours! You are amazing!

You love climbing. Your favourite scary stun for Papa is to climb onto a round stool.. You don't topple - you are really cool! =)

Music really excite you, especially the upbeat ones. Any kind of music will do. You will often "dance" in you baby ways. Papa loves it!

"Yes Dance!! Hanah, dancing!", he will say, cheering you on.

Last few days you could sing! Haha I know, Mama sounds exaggerating here. Only mama knows that you were singing and not babbling. Usually you sing "Row the boat". We use to do this song over and over at bed time when you were younger.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hanah, what are you babbling?? it sounds like a wartime japanese secret police interogating someone - boh zha! boh zha! pointing and shaking your head
